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Learning Technology

Learning Technology

Devices & Apps


At Clearwater Bay School, our students use a variety of learning technology devices, equipment and apps. During their time at school, students will use…

  • iPads
  • Chromebooks
  • Programmable robots (Indi, Sphero, Vex Go)
  • Digital Art tools

More details can be found on the year group tabs below.

Technology in Year 1

In Year 1, our students use:

  • iPads
    • a set of 30 iPads  are shared between the four classes.In addition, classes have access to a Technology set of iPads for additional opportunities.


They learn how to:

  • take photographs, make video and audio recordings
  • write and draw
  • explore block-based coding
  • Develop independence in managing their own digital portfolios (Seesaw)


The apps used are:

  • Camera, Photos, Photo Booth, Notepad (all apps included with iPad)
  • Seesaw (journal and portfolio app)
  • Scratch Jr,
  • Indi robots (coding/programming apps)
  • QR Code scanners
  • Padlet

Technology in Year 2

In Year 2, our students use:

  • iPads
    • a set of 30 iPads are shared between the four classes. In addition, classes have access to a Technology set of iPads for additional opportunities.


They learn how to:

  • tell stories using stop-motion animation and comic strips
  • create ‘green screen’ photos
  • Create posters and simple digital books
  • explore block-based coding with robots such as Indi.
  • Learn how to use AR (Augmented Reality) to share their learning


The apps used are:

  • Puppet Pals 2: School Edition  
  • Seesaw (journal and portfolio app)
  • Scratch Jr, 


The children also enjoy using:

  • Book Creator
  • Keynote
  • Camera
  • Photos


Technology in Year 3

In Year 3, our students use:

  • Acer Spin touchscreen Chromebooks
    • a set of 30 Chromebooks are shared between two classes
  • iPads
    • a set of 60 iPads  are shared between 4 classes


They learn how to:

  • take and manipulate photographs
  • create art using augmented reality (AR) and stylus’
  • create flowcharts and diagrams
  • explore block-based coding with Scratch, Sphero and CoSpaces
  • Create basic animations to explain processes.
  • Use AI responsibly to support their learning.


The apps used are:

    • Scratch& Scratch Jr
    • Seesaw 
    • GSuite
    • Camera, Photo Booth, Photos (iPad apps)
    • Google Arts & Culture  (app  online)
  • Keynote
  • CoSpaces
  • Sphero Edu
  • Magic School AI

Technology in Year 4

In Year 4, our students use:

  • 1: 1 Home purchased iPads and Logitech Keyboards


They learn how to:

  • use their devices to design in 2D and 3D
  • search for Creative Commons licensed images to use in their own work
  • create custom maps online
  • use iMovie app to create and edit news reports
  • record photos, videos and audio in a variety of formats
  • explore block-based coding
  • Create animations with Keynote
  • Produce comics with Book Creator & Clips
  • Use AI responsibly to support their learning.


The apps used are:

  • CoSpaces
  • Google Drawing & Google Sites 
  • iMovie (iPad app)
  • Seesaw (journal and portfolio app)
  • Keynote
  • Magic School AI
  • Clips
  • Google Apps for Education

Technology in Year 5

In Year 5, our students use:

  • 1:1 Home purchased iPads and Logitech Keyboards


They learn how to:

  • use CRAB design principles to create posters & graphics
  • use graphics software to manipulate images
  • manage data in spreadsheets
  • use simple modelling
  • use iMovie to create ‘green screen’ movies
  • design in 3D
  • explore block-based coding with Scratch and CoSpaces
  • Use AI responsibly to support and enhance their learning.


The apps used are:

    • iMovie 
    • Google Apps for Education
    • Seesaw
    • Scratch  online
  • CoSpaces
  • Keynote
  • Reality Composer
  • Magic School AI
  • Canva


Technology in Year 6

In Year 6, our students use:

  • Lenovo 300e Touchscreen Chromebooks
    • 1:1 provision


  • iPads
    • a set of 30 iPads are shared between the four classes. In addition, classes have access to a Technology set of iPads for additional opportunities.


They learn how to:

  • create visuals for presentations
  • design large-format infographics
  • create using GSuite
  • use iMovie, Garageband & photo editing
  • record photos, videos and audio in a variety of formats
  • explore block-based coding with Scratch & CoSpaces
  • Use AI responsibly to support and enhance their learning.


The apps used are:

  • Canva
  • Google Apps for Education
  • iMovie, Garageband (iPad & Mac app)
  • Seesaw (journal and portfolio app)
  • Scratch 
  • CoSpaces
  • Keynote
  • Reality Composer

Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety


CWBS has adopted the Common Sense Media curriculum for digital citizenship education due to its proven effectiveness, alignment with educational standards, comprehensive coverage of essential topics, and practical focus. This curriculum equips students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly, covering media balance, cyberbullying, online relationships, media literacy, privacy, and digital identity. Supporting resources enhance the learning experience, ensuring students are well-prepared for the challenges of the digital age.

Key Themes and Topics


1. Media Balance and Well-Being

  • Focus: Teaching children how to balance media use with other activities and understand the impact of technology on their well-being.

2. Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, and Hate Speech

  • Focus: Addressing online meanness, recognizing and stopping cyberbullying, and promoting positive online behavior.

3. Relationships and Communication

  • Focus: Building meaningful connections using media and technology, understanding online communities, and maintaining healthy digital friendships.

4. News and Media Literacy

  • Focus: Developing critical thinking skills to evaluate online information and understand media messages.

5. Privacy and Security

  • Focus: Teaching children about online privacy, protecting personal information, and understanding digital security.

6. Digital Footprint and Identity

  • Focus: Understanding the concept of a digital footprint, managing online identities, and challenging gender stereotypes.


Important Notes for Parents


  • Engagement: Parents are encouraged to engage with their children about their digital activities and reinforce the lessons learned at school.
  • Support: Providing a supportive environment where children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences and any concerns they may have.
  • Monitoring: Keeping an eye on children's media use and guiding them towards healthy digital habits.



Many parents have concerns about how long their child should be spending using technology, devices or watching screens. In the past, various organisations, including the American Paediatric Association, suggested ‘screen time’ limits for children based on their age. However, as not all ‘screen time’ is created equally, these time limits are no longer suggested.



Television and movies
When children are watching television or movies, these will often last longer that 20 minutes. In these cases, we would encourage children to be balanced when watching large screens and spend time outside too!


When children have to work for longer than 20 minutes on a computer for home learning or other creative tasks, we would encourage a ‘get up and walk around’ break every 20 minutes. Again, children need to balance this time with time spent outside and playing.

However, we believe that 20 minutes is plenty of time for our children to be using a small screen, and will be promoting this with the school community throughout 2018.



Tech Helpdesk


Welcome to the Technology Helpdesk pages for parents!

We hope that this page will help to answer your questions and solve common problems you might encounter with children using technology at home.


Frequently Asked Questions


Why can't we access Cahoot at home?

Cahoot is built on a Google Site and is only accessible when students log in with their GSuite account. If you try to log on at home, and you have a personal GSuite account, the website may return an error.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the ‘Cahoot at Home’ button, and log in with the student username and password.

Cahoot is our Virtual Learning Environment designed for students. Parents must access their child’s username and password.


How can I find out my child's Cahoot password?

If your child is in Y1 & Y2 or is new to CWBS, we will paste the username and password into the front of your child’s diary. If your child forgets their password, they must come to see Mr Knight or Mrs Chan for it to be reset.


How can I find out my child's MyMaths login details and password?

Please contact your child’s class teacher about MyMaths account details.


Where can I find my child's Home Learning?

Home Learning is posted onto Cahoot. Please click onto the appropriate year group page and look for the HL logo. You can find Chinese Home Learning on the Chinese page of Cahoot.


How can I access my child's Seesaw journal?

Please click here for Seesaw help.


How can I set up parental controls on my child's computer/iPad?

You can set up devices at home to protect your child, monitor their activity and allot screen time. However, Restrictions aren’t foolproof, and technology should always be used with adult supervision.


For more information about parental controls:


Technology Glossary



Cahoot is the name of Clearwater Bay School’s ‘Virtual Learning Environment’ or VLE. The VLE is a special password protected website for children at Clearwater Bay School. On Cahoot, students will find resources to help with their learning.



The Gateway is ESF’s information portal for Parents. On the Gateway, parents can view student reports and assessments, complete permission forms and update information about their child/children.


G Suite

GSuite (previously known as Google Drive) is a collection of tools used by students and teachers to create, collaborate and communicate.

Students are introduced to GSuite tools from Year 2 onwards, with Google Drive providing a space to save their digital work.

GSuite is linked to Cahoot through a single sign on. Student passwords will be posted in the student diary. If your child forgets the username or password, please contact their class teacher.



Sometimes remembering passwords can be difficult, but it is an important 21st Century skill which we teach the students.

We expect students to manage their own Cahoot & GSuite log in details and passwords. Students in Y1 & Y2, as well as those new to CWBS will find their passwords in the student diary. If they forget, or have any problems please contact their class teacher. The TechTeam will be able to help your child at school.

Family passwords for Gateway are managed by the school office. Please contact the office if you have any problems.

Usernames are generated automatically by ESF admissions while passwords can be reset in school.



Seesaw is used for our student-led digital portfolio and learning journals.

Seesaw enables students (and teachers) to collect evidence of learning and experiences at school and share them with their parents and other members of their class. Parents have access to only their child’s portfolio/journal through a dedicated password or app.

Your child’s class teacher manages Seesaw and parent login details.

You can find out more on our dedicated helpdesk site here

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